Key Features
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·Open and edit many documents at once, even huge files (only limited by system resources).  
·NoteTab Pro: multi-level undo/redo.  
·Text drag-and-drop editing.  
·AutoCorrect/Auto-replace mode similar to Microsoft® WinWord.  
·Supports MS-Office sound events.  
·Fully configurable toolbar with flat or standard style buttons (more than 90 commands available).  
·Commercial versions of NoteTab: Clipbars let you create your own custom toolbars.  
·Fully configurable shortcut menu.  
·Programmable. Add your own custom features using an easy script language.  
·Web enabled: can open links and HTML documents in browser.  
·Supports third-party Web tools: HTML Tidy, TopStyle, and CSE HTML Validator.  
·Powerful Clipbook tool makes it easy to memorize and insert any kind of text in your document. Includes libraries for HTML tags, acronyms, smilies, etc. Can also be used for "shorthand" glossaries or to launch other applications.  
·Commercial versions of NoteTab: Clipbars, to add your own toolbars to NoteTab.  
·Innovative In-Context Clipbook reduces mouse movement and speeds up work.  
·Integrates support for Perl and Gawk interpreters; scripts can be stored in NoteTab and applied directly to highlighted text or whole document.  
·Can calculate (type a mathematical expression and NoteTab will calculate the result).  
·Each document can have different settings such as font, tab widths, word wrap.  
·Supports outline-type documents that help you organize your notes or any kind of information.  
·Supports document templates.  
·Can search/replace text in all open documents or disk files; accepts search tokens and regular expressions.  
·Functions to convert text files to Web documents, strip HTML tags, sort lines, change case, process text in blocks, etc.  
·NoteTab Pro: can highlight URLs, HTML tags, Clip code, and HyperLinks.  
·Drag-and-drop image files from the Quick List tool into an HTML document creates image tags with the correct size attributes.  
·Commercial versions of NoteTab: spell checker and thesaurus (requires the appropriate dictionary files).  
·NoteTab Pro: insert up to 10 bookmarks per document.  
·Automatic scrolling for hands-free reading of documents.  
·Options to set margins, page numbering, headers and footers for printing jobs.  
·Reformat text, including left and right justification.  
·Text statistics (counts number of characters, words, and frequency of each word).  
·Drag-and-drop files from File Manager or Explorer.  
·Accepts multiple file names, including wildcards, passed as command-line parameters to the program.  
·Quickly open files or directories from the Favorites list.  
·Can capture text copied to the Clipboard from any application.  
·Can read and write files in DOS ASCII, UNIX, EBCDIC, and Mac formats.  
·Year 2000 compliant.  
·Covers all essential features available in Notepad (including LOG).  
·And lots more...